Why Choose BDD as Test Framework?

Behavior driven development, or BDD, is another agile software development process that encourages collaboration in a software project between developers, QA, project managers and the business team. It enables the technical team and the business team to reach their end goals. In fact, it helps when it comes to defining the desired business outcomes, to communicating what needs to be built by the developer and to understanding what are the technical challenges they might encounter. 

Choosing BDD

TDD works satisfactorily, as long as the business owner is familiar with the unit test framework being used and their technical skills are strong enough, which is not always the case. In these circumstances, BDD has the advantage because the test cases can be written in a common language used by the stakeholders such as, for example, English. 

Why Choose BDD Test Automation Framework


BDD test automation frameworks are better than traditional test frameworks for most feature testing, here are few of them:

Separate and linked code

Test cases are described in the form of feature files in plain english in Given, When Then format, and this helps to describe the functional expectations very precisely, however the step definition linked to it are completely separate, in details, Step definitions are nothing more than the automation behind the test case steps. Traditional test frameworks simply don’t have this separation of concerns, even if test methods are loaded with comments.

Layered Structure

A traditional test framework can still be structured well with layers and support classes, but it’s not required. BDD frameworks enforce good structure and layers for automation. There are designated places for test cases, step definitions, and support classes. 


A traditional test framework can still be structured well with layers and support classes, but it’s not required. BDD frameworks enforce good structure and layers for automation. There are designated places for test cases, step definitions, and support classes. 

Aspect-Oriented Controls

Good frameworks handle cross-cutting concerns automatically. Things like logging, dependency injection, and cleanup shouldn’t interfere with test cases. BDD frameworks provide hooks to insert extra logic for these concerns around steps, scenarios, features, and even the whole test suite. Hooks can squeeze into steps because the framework is structured around steps. 

Easier Review

The framework is very easy re-viewable.Good Gherkin, however, makes it easy. A reviewer can review the test case apart from any code first to make sure it is a good test case. At this level, the reviewer could even be a non-technical person like a product owner. 

Easy Maintenance

The framework is easy maintainable and can be used across organization with tweaks as per the project requirement.

Easier Onboarding

If tests are written using a BDD framework, then newbies can learn the features simply by reading the behavior specs. New team members likewise can rely on existing steps both for reuse and for examples as they develop new tests.

There are further many other benefits of BDD, I personally suggest to use BDD framework instead of other frameworks,

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