IoT Accelerator platform
IoT Accelerator Platform’s key functionalities, the IoT Accelerator platform is built to connect billions of devices and millions of applications easily and seamlessly.
Our IoT Accelerator
Our IoT Accelerator provides a rich set of built-in functions to help you kick-start your IoT application development.
Organization Setup
Administrating various models and other attributes, Enabling mapping multiples devices in your organizational setup.
Device Management
Addressing software update and device provisioning, including licensing and other API calls handling.
Recording and reporting of devices status, uptime, downtime, versions, location and config logs etc.
Angular JS Development
Defining alerts triggers, for various attributes including communication channels.
Data storage
Handling all form of data from all the devices to the IoT Platform.
Securing all the connected devices and securing the in between communications.
Enables bootstrapping your IoT application development with several starter applications.
Protocol Libraries
Providing Libraries for protocols along with client libraries.